Thursday 8 March 2012

Recommended New Software to Bookmark your Video Highlights on The Go

Editing long streams of video can almost take the fun out of using your helmet cam as you spend hours and hours trying to pin point the awesome shots out of your full day's adventure. Well, we've found an awesome solution to this problem! Our friends at Highlight Hunter have developed a software to alleviate this problem altogether.

The way it works is simple - as you're riding along, if something AWESOME happens then straight afterwards simply cover the camera lens for a second. Do this for all your highlights through the day. Later on when you download the video into the FREE Highlight Hunter software then it will automatically pick up all these "black outs" when you covered the lens. It will then cut 30 seconds before the black out BOOM - your video is edited! The best ideas in the world are the simplest!

Happy filming (and editing!)