Monday, 12 September 2011

How to install the GoPro HD Flat Lens

The Flat Lens for filming underwater with the GoPro HD makes a terrific difference to the quality of your video when shooting underwater. The curved lens which comes installed on the standard GoPro housing is awesome for filming above the water but as soon as they is under water is bends the images and softens the focus. This is where the flat lens for the GoPro comes to the rescue. In fact, its so effective that all film makers using the GoPro underwater are now using the flat lens to give incredible shots.

Once you have the flat lens then you may have some difficulty installing it to your gopro housing. The video below gives an excellent tutorial on how to replace the standard domed lens and install the flat lens to the gopro housing.

Step 1 -

Remove the camera and unscrew the 6 screws on the front of the black ring on the front of the GoPro housing. Lift this off the GoPro housing carefully so as not to loose any of the little screws. 

Step 2 - 

Lift the black ring off revealing the domes lens and the black rubber seal (washer). 

Step 3 - 

Life out the domed lens. If the washer sticks to the domed lens then take it off the lens (it peals off pretty easily but take care not to damage the washer). Replace the washer in the exact position that you found it. There is a slight rim on the washer, this should be facing downwards (the same way it was when lifted out of the GoPro HD housing). 

Step 4 - Now take out the Flat Lens and place it on top of the washer with the ridge of the Flat Lens facing upwards. 

Step 5 - 

Now all you have to do is put the black ring back in place and tighten up the screws. 


GoPro won't cover your warranty if you have any issues with the self-installed flat lens so we highly recommend testing the waterproofing of the camera housing before using it with the camera inside. To do this, seal up the housing by closing the backdoor and dunk it in the pool, basin or bucket. Its best to leave it there for a while. Watch for bubbles or any water inside the casing after the test. 

If this is all good then you're ready to go!

Here's a video to show you the quality you'll 
experience once you've installed the new lens :) 


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